What are some ways to attach a jeans button to a cloth?

Here are some common ways to attach a jeans button to cloth:

Hand sewing

Hand sewing the button on with thread is the most traditional method. You’ll need a needle, thread, scissors and a hand sewing awl or button needle to push the button through the fabric layers before sewing on. This provides a very secure attachment but can be time-consuming for large buttons.

Stitch and finish

For bigger buttons, you can stitch around the edges of the button and then finish off the stitches in between the button holes to trap the button in place securely. Repeat stitching across the button as needed.

Button rivets

You can stitch button rivets or shank buttons through the fabric layers to attach a button. The button rivets have a shank or post that passes through the button hole and secures the button. These provide more durability than hand sewing alone.

Button snaps

Button snaps, or button through snaps, contain small posts that pass through button holes. They are pressed together through the fabric to securely attach the button. These can be attached with a hammer, crimping pliers or snap attacher tool. They provide a very strong attachment, especially for heavy or loaded buttons.

Fabric glue

For some fabrics, a strong fabric glue or seam sealer can work well to attach buttons. Clean and rough up the area around the button hole, then apply glue to the back of the button and press it in place as the glue dries. This works best on denim, canvas or other dense, non-porous fabrics. It may not work for lightweight or delicate fabrics.

Thread loops

You can stitch thread loops to extend the button thread and then pass the button through the thread loops to attach it. This allows some extra height or thickness under the button. The thread loops help conceal any thread ends.

Pin the button

For temporary or decorative button attachments, you can simply pin the button in place with straight pins, quilting pins or safety pins. Poke the pins through the fabric layers and around the button. Remove pins when needed.